Document Category: Scientific Publications
Diversity in Nutrient Content and Consumer Preferences of Sensory Attributes of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties in Ugandan Agroecosystems
The simplification of agricultural production systems from diversified cropping systems to uniform cereal-based systems has contributed to reduced diet diversity, resulting in increased nutrient deficiencies, particularly in developing countries
Social Seed Networks for Climate Change Adaptation in Uganda: Strategies to Improve Access to Genetic Diversity and Information
Farmers’ most common sources of seed were ‘own seed’ (78%) and local markets (48%), while main sources of seed information were radio talks (71%), agricultural research stations (54%), and agricultural shows (49%).
Enhancing access to genetic resources for climate change adaptation in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
Seed Catalogue of Best Perfoming Varieties of Beans and Finger millet in Hoima Uganda
The wild coffee resources of Uganda:a precious heritage History, attributes, uses, opportunities, and risks
Uganda is the world’s seventh largest coffee exporter, and the fourth largest producer of robusta…
Genetic diversity, population structure and kinship relationships highlight the environmental influence on Uganda’s indigenous goat populations
Uganda’s indigenous goats exist in three phenotypic groups: Mubende, Kigezi, and Small East African. However, a limited understanding of their genetic attributes and population structure hinders the development and sustainable
utilization of the goats
Community Seedbanks in Uganda: Fostering Access to Genetic Diversity and Its Conservation
Keywords: community; seedbank; crop; genetic; diversity; conservation; use; core; roles
Genomics‑based assembly of a sorghum bicolor (L.) moench core collection in the Uganda national genebank as a genetic resource for sustainable sorghum breeding
The Uganda National GeneBank is a key reservoir of genetic diversity for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor…
Heterogeneity in Nutritional and Biochemical Composition of Cassava Varieties in Uganda
Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, ISSN 2201-4357. Volume 15, 2022, 1
Naro strategies to ensure continued development and uptake of nutrient-rich food in Uganda
Conference Paper at the Third National Nutrition Forum (NNF), 13-17th May 2024