Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability, ISSN 2201-4357. Volume 15, 2022, 1
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) has been prioritized by the New Partnership for African Development to spur development in Africa. However, the nutritional and biochemical composition of the cassava diversity has not been adequately assessed to inform the various user needs. Comparative analysis of macro, micro nutrients and biochemical composition of sixteen varieties of cassava in Uganda was undertaken following standard analytical techniques. Results showed significant differences in macro nutrients (p ≤0.000) except carbohydrate, starch and amylose contents. With the exception of Calcium and Iron, the varieties were significantly different (p ≤0.000) in micronutrient composition. The Cyanide and dry matter content were also significantly different (p ≤0.000) among the varieties.
Overall, Mukibi, Juguja, Bao, Nigeria, ranked highest in dry matter, cyanide, macro and micronutrients content, respectively. Therefore varieties differ in nutritional and biochemical composition; information crucial in the development of new varieities and deployment of cassava diversity in various value chains.